

Posted By: Bible

Posted On: Thu, August 16, 2018

HAVING A WEB PRESENCE ON Whoisuser Mobile Web App Service, PROVIDES A GREAT FIRST IMPRESSION. This may seem intuitive, but having a good looking business listing provides a good first impression to customers visiting your pages on our site. If your page looks cheap and ugly then people will have a bad impression about your business. For better or worse, people associate your business with your internet presence. If you have a great looking pages that are organized well and easy to navigate, people will have a good impression about your business. Whoisuser IS A CONNECTING POINT FOR YOUR BUSINESS Whoisuser can serve as a connecting point for your business. With the right pages, customers will be able to easily contact you, review products and be kept up to date with the latest news and information about your business. Your listing should also be able to connect with your existing customers via text or email. For this reason, the ability to have people sign up to follow your posts are important. Whoisuser HELPS YOU LEVERAGE SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES Whoisuser takes advantage of popular social network sites like Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. When your listing integrates with social networking sites you're able to reach a larger audience to your business. For example, if someone clicks a Facebook "Like" button on your pages this will alert their network of friends about an item on yours. This effectively shares something they found on your website with their friends. If your business has established pages on sites like Twitter, Google+ and Facebook, your listing should have links or buttons to these social networking pages. When these connections are established, people can become aware of your business from social networking sites. They can also follow you and promote your business using the social networking sites they're already on. Promoting your business through social networking sites is a great way to create free attention to your products and services. SELL PRODUCTS FROM YOUR MOBILE WEB APP OR vCard PAGES WITH THE Whoisuser Marketing Services. Do you have a product that you would like to sell online? Setting up your own store page with an online shopping cart can seem like an overwhelming task. Our website building system can help you set up an online store with minimal effort. With the recent wave of online website builders, setting up an online store page can be a simple and fun process. Whoisuser lets you create a store to sell your items without having to know how to program or write code to sell items. Once your items are listed on our site, customers can browse and buy right on the web, no matter where they are. After orders are placed, you ship your products directly to people to fulfill their order. Beyond just listing products, our custom content links pages that will let you customize your products via a Pay Pal Account so that you're selling with options. For example if you're selling t-shirts off your website, you might want to have a couple options, size and color. This way the customer can pre-select the size and color of the t-shirt they want to order. Product reviews and feedback are also important. If you allow your customers to review your products and rate them, this gives other site visitors validation about the products that you offer. USE Whoisuser TO TELL YOUR STORY Your business or personal mobile friendly web app digital business vCard pages can be used to tell people about yourself. How you got started, where you're located, what you're passionate about, why you started, etc. Your story can be a powerful tool. The more people know about you and your business, the more comfortable they will be and more likely to engage your business. You should post information about your business on your pages and keep them updated. ANNOUNCE UPCOMING EVENTS AND ALERT PEOPLE When you use the events calendar on our site, people can see when special events are going to happen. For example, you might have a special anniversary sale coming up. You'll want to make sure this is posted to your event pages. It's also a good idea to send out email reminders for special events. SHARE PICTURES AND VIDEOS ON Whoisuser Platform. A good business listing will have pictures and videos in it. Pictures and videos are easily posted to Whoisuser. That means, you are able to post items without having to know how to code, do photo editing or even know how to transfer files. Everything should be as easy as point and click. When you keep your site up to date with new pictures and videos, this keeps visitors coming back to your site. SHARE THE LATEST NEWS ON YOUR Whoisuser PAGES With Whoisuser you are able to post the latest news from your business. When you post a news item it keeps your page up to date and current. When visitors come back to your page, if they are welcomed with the latest news they will hang out longer and be more likely to come back in the future. Maybe your business is going to have a special anniversary sale or open a new location. Maybe the hours of operation are changing or you've added a new product line to the store page. These are important items that should be shared through a news update to be posted to your business pages. KEEP A BLOG When you keep a blog on your Whoisuser listing, you're really helping to keep your information fresh and relevant. Use our blog system to share latest tips or insight about your area of business. OPEN A MESSAGE BOARD A message board lets you post items to your site and answer questions. These messages can be viewed by visitors to your business website. This is an important way to communicate with your site visitors. OPEN A BUSINESS DIRECTORY PAGE ON Whoisuser Directory. Whoisuser is the easy way to create a mobile friendly mobile web app digital business vCard for your business, personal or organization. Whoisuser was created to empower average, independent business owners, small businesses, mom's and pap's, non-technical people with the ability to create and have maintain their own web app pages and posts. We give you a full 30 days to try the mobile friendly digital business vCard out and If you don't find Whoisuser to be the easiest, most simple way to have your own online presence, simply cancel the service before the end of your trial period and pay nothing. Also, Whoisuser 's customer service will always be friendly and professional.

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